 Standard Interface Connectors Suppliers > Tool Grinding Technologies Inc.

Tool Grinding Technologies Inc.

Contact: Ramakrishnan Balaji - Manager- Sales & Service
Address: Plot No: 467-469, 12th Cross, 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial A, Bangalore, Karnataka 560 058, India
Phone: +91-(80)-41170352 | Fax: +91-(80)-41179512 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Tool Grinding Technologies Inc. designs & manufactures carbide/HSS cutting tool grinding machines. TGT Genius 6 Axis is a versatile tool grinding machine for the manufacturing and resharpening of solid carbide & HSS tools. All the machine elements are designed using advanced 3D simulations and optimized using latest FEA methods. Base, column and slides are made of cast iron. Machine is fitted with a unique double ended spindle. The spindle is nothing but a powerful integrated, water-cooled motor to eliminate the hassles of belt drive. The machine kinematics is optimally designed to achieve the least machine traverse for the required grinding path.

Product Catalogs:

• Cnc Tool Grinder, Genius 6-axis

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