Sunito Metal Technology Co., Ltd. |
Address: No.69 Jingche Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China |
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Phone: +86-(21)-37772111
Sunito Metal Technology Co., Ltd. provides welded stainless steel tubing. A269 is welded, annealed austenitic stainless steel tubing for low or high-temperature applications with general corrosion res
Uno-Steel Group Limited. |
Address: No.8 Shashan Road, Huashi Town, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China |
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Phone: +86-(510)-86215666/81691008
Uno-Steel Group Limited. specializes in offering drilling and steel products. Our drilling products include drill pipe, heavy weight drill pipe, drill collar and stabilizer. We are also providing tubi
Predictive Maintenance Corporation |
Address: 8330 Décarie
, Montreal, Quebec H4P 2P5
, Canada |
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Phone: 514-383-6330
Predictive Maintenance Corporation (PMC) serves the needs of large industrial, transportation and natural resources corporations in North and South America. We have performed hundreds of thousands of