 Tank Rail Car Mixing Equipments Suppliers > Tygavac Advanced Materials Ltd

Tygavac Advanced Materials Ltd

Contact: Susan Deacon - Purchasing Manager
Address: Unit D, Kingsway West Business Park, Rochdale, Lancashire OL16 5LX, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(01706)-649222 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Tygavac Advanced Materials Ltd manufactures vacuum bag materials used in the molding process for manufacturing advanced composite components. Our products include bagging films, vacuum bag sealant tapes, released & bleed-out films, PS tapes, vacuum fittings & accessories and resin infusion products. Our bagging films are thin flexible membranes for the vacuum bagging application. Once sealed onto the tool edge a vacuum is drawn under the bag film, which creates a uniform compressive force over the surface of the structure under the vacuum bag. We stock a comprehensive range of release fabrics and peel plies. These materials are porous, woven fabrics which are used to impart a textured surface to the molded component to improve adhesion in subsequent secondary bonding and painting. They can be used between the component and the tool surface or as a separating layer between the component and breather fabric. In the latter case they allow the vacuum to bleed air and volatiles out of the laminate to prevent voids.

2 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Vacuum Bag Sealant Tapes• Vacuum Fittings

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