 Cartridge Fillers Suppliers > Virgo Engineers ltd.

Virgo Engineers ltd.

Contact: Avinash Gupta
Address: J-525, MIDC Bhosari, Pune, Maharashtra 411026, India
Phone: +91-(20)-7474481 | Fax: +91-(20)-7469040 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Virgo Engineers is one of World's fastest growing manufacturer of Ball, Butterfly valves and Automation systems. Since its inception in 1986, Virgo Engineers Limited has found a place in the global flow control market as a premier Valve manufacturer. Virgo manufactures Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves, Actuators and Valve Automation systems. US Office : Virgo Engineers Inc. 13219, N. Promenade Blvd., Stafford, TX, 77479, USA Phone: +1 281-491-0400 Fax: +1 281-491-0444


• Valves Expansion

Product Catalogs:

• Torqtight Industrial Sockets• Electric Power Packs

41 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• 2 Piece, Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves• 3 Piece, Trunnion Mounted, Ball Valves• Abrasive Service Metal Seated Ball Valve
• Ball Control Valves• Ball Valve, Floating• Ball Valve, Floating & Trunion
• Ball Valves, Actuated• Ball Valves, Metal Seated• Butterfly Control Valves
• Butterfly Dampers• Butterfly Valve, Soft Seated• Butterfly Valves
• Butterfly Valves with Pneumatic Actuators• Butterfly Valves, Actuated• Butterfly Valves, High Performance
• Butterfly Valves, Isolation• Butterfly Valves, Lined• Butterfly Valves, Teflonr Lined
• Butterfly Valves, Wafer Type• Cast Iron Butterfly Valves• Cast Steel Butterfly Valves
• Control Valves• Double Acting Pneumatic Actuators• Ductile Iron Butterfly Valves
• Electrically Actuated Ball Valves• Emergency Shutdown Control Systems• Floating & Trunion Mounted Ball Valves
• Handle & Notch Plate, Butterfly Valves• Metal Seated Ball Valves• Metal Seated Damper Valves
• Metal Seated Zero Leakage Ball Valves• Modulating Butterfly Valve• Motorized Butterfly Valves
• Multi & Quarter Turn Pneumatic Actuator• Pneumatic Actuators• Pneumatic Rack & Pinion Actuators
• Pressure control valves• Resilient Soft Seated Butterfly Valves• Teflonr Soft Seated Butterfly Valve
• Valve Actuators• Vane Actuators

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