Voltage Eelectric Motors uses electrical energy to produce mechanical energy. The reverse process, that of using mechanical energy to produce electrical energy, accomplished by a generator or dynamo. Traction motors used on locomotives often perform both tasks if the locomotive is equipped with dynamic brakes. These motors are used in household appliances such as fans, refrigerators, washing machines, pool pumps, floor vacuums, and fan-forced ovens.
Brandon & Clark, Inc. |
Address: 3623 Interstate 27, Lubbock, Texas 79404, USA
www.brandonclark.com |
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Phone: +1-(806)-747-3861
Brandon & Clark, Inc. offers repair services for electric motors. We provide sales and service for motors, transformers, power transformers, controls & phase converters. We also render services for ai
Gautam Elektrik Automation |
Address: 15,Nyay Marg,Court Circle, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001, India
www.motorsnvfds.com |
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Phone: +91-(294)-2411422
Gautam Elektrik Automation supplies HV switchgears, motors and capacitors. Our special motors include roller table motors, mud gun and bell annealing furnace motors for steel mill applications. We ser