Lasso Technik AG |
Address: Niklaus von Flue-Strasse 33, Basel, Minnesota 55413, USA |
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Phone: +41-(61)-331 40 90
Lasso Technik AG specialises in innovative SL13 type backwater valve and AS type non-return valves, which differ significantly from conventional valves. The diaphragm of the AS non-return valves moves
Anderson Brass Company |
Address: Hwy. 151 Bypass, P.O. Box , 2558-T, Hartsville, South Carolina 29550, USA |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(800)-476-9876
Anderson Brass Company offers a complete line of instrumentation ball valves, needle valves, check valves, and actuated valves. We provide speciality valve services and Shur-Loc end connections provid