Dwyer Instruments, Inc |
Address: P.O. Box 373 102 Indiana Hwy. 212, Michigan City, Indiana 46361, USA
www.dwyer-inst.com |
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Phone: (219)-879-8000
Dwyer Instruments, Inc serves the HVAC, chemical, food, oil and gas, and pollution control markets. Our air filters used in ventilating systems. We produce a broad range of competitively priced precis
Mamco Precision Switches |
Address: 147 River Street, Oneonta, New York 13820, USA
www.mamcoswitches.com |
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Phone: +1-(866)-395-2902, 607-433-2121
Mamco Precision Switches is a leader in standard-sized ultra-low pressure, vacuum and differential switches custom designed ultra-low pressure, vacuum and differential switches, insert molded parts an