 Mighty-Tuff Band Heaters Suppliers > Windspur Pipe & Irrigation

Windspur Pipe & Irrigation

Contact: Ted Rookstool
Address: 127 Kings River Rd., Orovada, Nevada 89425, USA
Phone: +1-(775)-859-0348 | Fax: +1-(775)-859-0521 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Windspur Pipe & Irrigation specializes in irrigation supplies. Our services include irrigation equipment, piping, valves, back flow devices & enclosures, fittings, landscape accessories, lighting, ductile iron and brass pipe.

11 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Agricultural Equipment• Backflow Irrigation Control Stations• Backflow Prevention Devices
• Industrial Equipments• Industrial Pipes• Irrigation Equipment
• Irrigation Fittings• Irrigation Pipes• Irrigation Pumps
• Irrigation Systems• Wheel Line Fittings

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