
Wolfe Industrial, Inc.

Contact: Donald Wolfe - President
Address: 1512 J.P. Hennessy Drive, Lavergne, Tennessee 37086, USA
Phone: +1-(615)-641-6964, 800-206-2380 | Fax: +1-(615)-641-9819 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Wolfe Industrial, Inc. is an industrial metal fabrication specialist servicing the manufacturing industry. We offer custom conveyors, air systems, safety products and material handling equipments. We design, fabricate and install all types of conveyor systems. Each of our specialty conveyors are fabricated and installed for different manufacturing industries all over the globe. Each conveyor part has its specific use in its specific industry. The design of a conveyor can range from the widths of 4" to 8' and weights from 1 oz. to several tons. We have the capabilities to fabricate and install conveyor systems to specific needs & applications. Our bulk conveyors are designed and fabricated with heavy duty materials such as AR plate, structural channel & tubing. Each conveyor is electrically driven with the choice of a roller/slider belt design with floor supports/overhead hanger supports. Our bulk conveyors are built to withstand heavy industrial use for many types of industrial manufacturers. We have designed, fabricated, and installed packaging transfer conveyors for entire plant packaging lines as well as installed wrappers, cartoners & case packers. We can convey any type of can, bottle, carton and box. Our typical packaging conveyor is equipped with Rex/Intralox belting. We also assist in repairs, modifications and expansion of the existing material handling systems. We can fabricate everything from carts, racks, skids, tubs, dollies, tanks, bins, chutes, hoppers, valves, gates, spouting, bucket elevators and piping systems. Our bucket elevators are designed, fabricated and installed to meet the rigorous demands of heavy industrial use. We have the capabilities to handle the entire bucket elevator project turnkey with very reasonable lead times. We are also highly capable of selecting the most efficient belt and buckets for a particular system. Each bucket elevator system is available in painted steel, galvanized and stainless steel.

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• Dust Handling Systems• Exhaust Systems• Fume Exhaust Systems
• Industrial Air Handling Systems• Industrial Belt Conveyor• Industrial Conveying Systems
• Industrial Conveyors• Industrial Process Piping• Makeup Air Systems
• Material Handling• Material Handling Bins• Material Handling Components
• Material Handling Enclosures• Material Handling Equipment• Material Handling Equipment Rental
• Material Handling Machinery• Material Handling Machines• Material Handling Rack
• Material Handling System• Material Handling, Automated• Metal Fabrication
• Metal Fabrication Job Shop• Package Conveyor Systems• Package Handling Conveyors
• Process Exhaust System• Process Piping• Process Plant Piping
• Process Vacuum Systems• Steel Bucket Elevators• Vacuum Systems
• Waste Air Exhaust Systems

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