Description: PT2001 N Digital Portable Gas Monitor renders faster and accurate readings and requires zero adjustment. It is light in weight and is supplied in kit form, which is convenient for user handling and storage. It is rendered with improved battery operation, robust design, and can be calibrated according to user requirement to read either in PPM or percentage for most toxic and combustible gases. This model can also be used to detect selectively hydrogen or carbon monoxide. The integrated probe attachment gives user a choice of flexible or small probe. While entering confined spaces, especially where space is limited, the user has the choice of using the short sensor; on the other hand, if the user wants to detect or track leads in pipelines or other inaccessible areas beyond the reach of human hands the convenient flexible probe extension makes it an easy to access such difficult unreachable areas. It is also attached with a table stand to be used as a freestanding table model or there is also an option to mount the instrument on the wall. The plug-in card system makes it easy for site replacement making maintenance minimum.
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