High-speed Servo Strip-feeder
Description: High-Speed Servo Strip-Feeder is meant for mass production of automotive or electronic parts, on presses with matching high speeds. It is provided in compact aluminium construction and is fast as well as easy to use. The feeders comprises of 2 rolls, both of these powered by a belt-drive and a brushless motor. The top roll is movable by a mechanism which ensures its perfect parallelism with the bottom roll. The pressure on the rolls can be eliminated without moving the rolls, thereby eliminating noise and the appearance of marks on the strip. The feeder has a positioning of 0.1(non-cumulative). The feeder has the capacity of max strip width of 200 mm; max strip thickness of 2.0mm; and the operating speed up to 160 metres/mm. It can be programmed for up to 20 types of feed-cycles, each of these with up to 20 different stroke-lengths; with automatic stop at the end of each series of feed-cycles for the specific number of pieces programmed. The system is provided with automatic brakes that are used when power failure occurs.
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