 CNC Die Sink EDM Suppliers > JD Diamond Tools

JD Diamond Tools

Contact: K.Jayavel
Address: No. 85, Railway Station Road, Korattur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 080, India
Phone: +91-(44)-26258519 | Fax: +91-(44)-26258519 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: JD Diamond Tools specializes in manufacturing and exporting PCD & PCBN tools, PCD & PCBN inserts, PCD form tools, PCD reamers, PCD & PCBN turning, boring tools, PCD end mills, PCD wear parts, indentors, and diamond dressers. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. Our PCD cutting tools are used for different types of applications such as turning, milling, grooving, chamfering, and special forms. Our product range can be used for non-ferrous metals and wear resistant non-metallic materials like wood, ceramics, graphite, nylon, and plastics. These tools also have cutting ability and cutting effect for copper, aluminum, gold, silver, and other non-ferrous metals. Our PCD cartridge tools are suitable for machine parts which have complicated holes requiring ultra-precision. Our PCBN tools are ideal for cutting hard materials such as quenched steel, pearlitic gray cast iron, cold hard cast iron, and high-temperature alloys.

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