Description: Micro Hardness Tester comprises of a microscope along with a Filar micrometer eye piece of 10X and objective of 40X. The instrument is mounted on a stand having loading and unloading mechanism attached to the microscope. A standard weight of 10 gms to 200 gms is loaded on the indentor assembly. An indentation, with the help of a diamond indentor, is caused on the material of the surface (whose hardness is to be measured). The system employs a high precision rotating specimen table (fitted with micro meter screw gauges) to turn the sample under the microscope along X and Y-axis. The principle of operation of the instrument is based on pressing a diamond indentor into the specimen under test with a certain load in gms and consequently measuring linear value (d) of the diagonal of the indentor print obtained. The hardness number (H) is calculated by dividing the load (P in Kg) by the surface area (S in sq mm) of the indentor print and is expressed as H = P/S or 1.854 P/d1. This instrument is used for measuring micro hardness in vickers of metals/alloys, various phases/micro-constituents present in metal matrix, thin wires & sheets, diffusion coatings and case depth of carburised or nitrided components. This tester could also be used for testing the micro-hardness of ceramic materials like human tooth and jaw for anthropological studies.
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