Phased Array Systems
Phased Array Systems are designed for a variety of applications, consisting of two portable components, a front end unit, and a base unit. It is widely used in all industrial NDT applications. It is considered as a flexible tool and is able to accommodate to any situation from the simplest one to the more complicated. In general, it is considered as a solution for the future, dealing with inspections where many channels or several modes of work must be used, in order to optimize the obtained results. NDT Solutions is a manufacturer of a range of measuring instruments for non-destructive testing and offers phased array systems. M2M has developed and produced a new line of NDT instruments based on phased array technology. Directly benefiting from the evolution of well-known stimulation software, CIVA, as well as the latest breakthroughs in electronics, M2M products provide cutting-edge technology, unsurpassed performance, and quality.
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