 Industrial Machineries Suppliers > Praj Industries Limited
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Praj Industries Limited

Contact: Ramesh Bhosale
Phone: +91-(20)-71802000  | Fax: +91-(20)-22922004
Address: Pune, Maharashtra 411 057, India

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What started off as an entrepreneurial venture three decades ago is considered to be India's most successful biofuels Company, taking biobased technologies from India to the World. Today, Praj offers innovative solutions for beverage alcohol and bioethanol plant, brewery, water & wastewater treatment plant, critical Process Equipment and systems and BioProducts. A globally leading Company with over 750 references in more than 75 countries across 5 continents, Praj has acquired an international repute for responsible and reliable solutions.

The business verticals of Praj are defined along 5 blocks :

Ethanol & Brewery Plants :

Praj enjoys a unique position in the world of ethanol technology by virtue of its expertise which cuts across a variety of sugar to starch based feedstocks. Praj provides holistic solutions for various grades of ethanol (beverage, fuel, industrial, pharma and perfumery) and brewery plants encompassing range of technologies and systems for water & wastewater management.

Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants :

Praj offers integrated water & wastewater treatment systems and has already made a beginning in the industrial sector with a wide range of solutions. This vertical addresses industrial applications for high quality water, complex effluent treatment including recycle and reuse and zero liquid discharge plants.

Critical Process Equipment System :

This vertical serves a wider sectoral requirement for high end equipment & systems finding application in the oil & gas, petrochemical, fertilizer, chemicals industry. India is emerging as a sourcing hub for engineered products, especially those which have a level of criticality in terms of material of construction, complexity of fabrication and standards & codes to be followed. Praj has demonstrated capabilities wherein it supplies critical process equipment & systems to a number of domestic and global players.

High Purity Systems :

Addressing the pharmaceutical, biotech and F & B sector. Praj acquired Neela Systems, a Company engaged in providing hi purity water and hygienic systems to the pharma industry. Praj plans to extend its footprints in the hygienic engineering and systems business. It has the capability of providing end-to-end solutions for the pharma, biotech, food & beverage sector. This will be an area of special focus where Praj will deploy combined experience of Neela and Praj .

BioProducts :

Praj recently announced its entry into the biotech products business with launch of its livestock feed health & nutrition business. Other than this, Praj is also working with biochemicals and human health & nutrition products which are presently in different stages of development.

The backbone of Praj's technology development is Praj Matrix, the Innovation Center. Praj Matrix is working on bioethanol and biochemicals processes.

Having established a global leadership in 1st Generation Ethanol technology, Praj has initiated a project in expanding its 2nd Generation Cellulosic Ethanol Program to Demo scale. The plant will utilize agri-residues like cane trash, corn cobs, corn stover and bagasse to produce ethanol to be blended with petrol. Praj has successfully evaluated this technology at pilot scale.

Praj has well equipped manufacturing facilities - one in Pune and two at Kandla (Gujarat) port of India and another at Wada near Mumbai. The units are accredited with ASME 'U' and 'H' stamp and ISO 9001-2008. Equipment engineering and fabrication is in accordance with international standards and codes. Praj has recently come up with a world class manufacturing facility for its Industrial Biotech products and Processes (IBPP). Praj employs more than 1000 professionals in India and overseas from various engineering and otherdisciplines. With a slew of new initiatives, Praj aspires to be a major player in the environment, energy and agri process led applications providing innovative, integrated solutions including plant, equipment and products that will enhance the quality of life.

Alcohol / Fuel Ethanol Plants | Evaporators | Distillation Columns | Pressure Vessels | Heat Exchangers | Condensers | Skid Mounted Equipment | Water and Wastewater Treatment | Skid Mounted Fuel Ethanol Plants | Fermentation Systems | Reactors & Tanks | Molecular Sieve Dehydration Plants | Pure Water Systems

Image Catalog:
Bio nutrients
Bio nutrients
Brewery Plant
Brewery Plant
Distillation Plant
Distillation Plant
Fermentation Plant
Fermentation Plant
Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger
High Purity Water Systems
High Purity Water Systems
1 to 100 of 162 Products/Services  Page: [1] 2 >> Next 100 Results
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• Alcohol Plants• Alloy Steel tube Heat Exchangers• Anaerobic Biomethanation
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• Flexible Automated Casting Cleaning Systems• Fuel Ethanol Plants• Gasket Seals and Gasket Rings
• Gaskets• Glycol Gas Dehydration Plants• Heat Exchanger Design
• Heat Recovery Boilers• Heat Recovery systems• Heat Recycling/Recovery Systems
• Heavy Wall Carbon Steel Pressure Vessels• Heavy Wall Stainless Pressure Vessels• High Alloy Finned Tube Heat Exchangers
• High Alloy Pressure Vessels• High Vacuum Evaporation Systems• Hydraulic Filtration Systems
• Industrial Filtration Equipment• Industrial Machineries• Industrial Plastics
• Installation and Commissioning Projects• Instrumentation: Engineering & Design• Internal Reboilers
• Kettle Reboilers• Liquid - Liquid Heat Exchangers• Low Alloy Pressure Vessels
• Multiple Effect Evaporators• Nickel & Nickel Alloy Pressure Vessels• Nickel Falling Film Evaporators
• Oil Seals• Packaged Heat Recovery Systems• Piping Design & Piping Flexibility
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