Special Purpose Ac, Dc And Thermitrip Relays

Company: Diligent Micro Controls
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Description: Special purpose solid state 1 ? & 3 ? AC relays have been developed to trip the motor in order to primarily prevent damage to the driven mechanism and thereby avoid forced breakdown & consequential production loss. These relays are made in three versions; i) Instantaneous, ii) Time Delayed & ii) Jam. Instantaneous relay always trips as soon as current exceeds set limit. Time Delayed relay trips if current stays above set limit for more than the preset time. Jam relay also trips instantaneously as soon as the current exceeds preset limit during operation, however, it does not trip when current exceeds during starting. Thus Jam relay is a unique and excellent protection for loads such as conveyors where conventional protection does not prove effective. Thermi Trip -1 Relay trips the motor/transformer when temperature of winding as sensed by the thermister embedded inside it, exceeds preset limit. This relay has specially designed options which does not allow load to be switched on if thermistor gets either open- or short-circuited. Thermi Trip-n is similar relay but has capacity to process signal from n-thermister (max.6 nos) and actuate common relay. All the above three versions of 30 AC relays are also available in combination with other protections, such as, single Phasing (SP) Protection and Phase Reversal (PR) Protection. Current in individual phase is continuously monitored and processed by specially developed circuit for reliable detection of single phasing and/or overload fault. An unique Status & Fault LED-display on the relay is extremely useful in system fault finding & correction as it indicates status of relay as well as the fault due to which relay has tripped.

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