 Rectifier Duty Transformers Suppliers > Spectro Analytical Labs Ltd.

Spectro Analytical Labs Ltd.

Contact: K.Dhingra - Managing Director
Address: E-41, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-II, New Delhi, Delhi 110020, India
Phone: +91-(11)-41611000 | Fax: +91-(11)-40503150 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Spectro Analytical Labs Ltd. provides testing and calibration services. We are an ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 certified company. We offer corrosion testing, which is a corrosion study in chemical plants and cross country pipelines & evaluate stability of structures. We provide rockwell hardness mechanical testing, in which hardness is determined by a dial reading which indicates the depth of penetration of a steel ball for softer steels and a diamond cone for heat treated & harder steels when a load is applied.

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• Adhesion Testing• Air Monitoring Services• Alloys Testing
• Ammonia Vapour Tests• Analog Hardness Testers• Automatic Hardness Testers
• Bend Testing• Calibration Services• Carbonation Testers
• Cement & Building Material Testing• Cement & Concrete Testing• CFM Particle Counters
• Chemical Testing On Building Materials• Chemical Testing Services• Chloride Stress Corrosion Tests
• Coal & Fuel Testing• Coating Thickness Tests• Concrete Hammer Tests
• Corrosion Control Consultants/Services• Corrosion Rate Analysis• Corrosion Testing
• Crevice Corrosion Testing• Data Logging Type Sound Level Meters• Dye Penetrant Testing
• Edge Crush Tests• Electrical Testing & Repairs• Energy Audit in Process Industries
• Environmental Monitoring Services• Environmental Testing• Failure Analysis Consultants
• Failure Analysis Of Process & Products• Failure Analysis/Prevention• Ferrographic Corrosion Analysis
• Geosynthetic Materials Testing• Hard Drive Testing• Hardness Testing
• Hardness Testing Machines• Hardness Testing Services• Impact Testing
• Impact Testing Machines• In-Service Degradation Of Critical Components• Indoor Air Monitoring & Analysis
• Indoor Air Samplers• Industrial Wastewater Sampling & Testing Servi...• Inspection Services
• Inspection Systems: Concrete• Intergranular Corrosion Tests• Laboratory Analytical Services
• Laboratory Services• Laboratory Testing• Laser Based Air Particle Counters
• Load & Tensile Testing• Load Testing Services• Magnetic Flux Scan Inspection
• Magnetic Particle Examination• Material Identification of Alloys• Material Testing
• Materials Testing Systems• Mechanical Failure Analysis• Mechanical Testing Services
• Metallography• Metallurgical Analysis• Metallurgical Consultants
• Micro Hardness Tests• Micro structural Tests On Non Ferrous Alloys• Minerals & Ores Testing
• Municipal Sewage Water Sampling & Testing Serv...• NDT Equipment/Supplies• NDT Inspection, Painting & Coating
• NDT Structural & Building Inspection• NDT Testing For Civil & Structural Evaluation• Noise Level Monitoring
• Non Destructive Testing• Non-destructive Examinations• Non-destructive Testing & Equipment
• Nozzle Load Testing• Onsite Calibration Services• Oxalic Acid Tests
• Paint & Varnishes Testing• Photoacoustic Spectroscopy• Physical Testing On Building Materials
• Pitting Corrosion Tests• Polymer And Rubber Testing• Polymers & Rubber Testing
• Portable Toxic Gas Analyzers• Pressure Testing Service• Product Analysis for Asphalt
• Product Analysis for Caustic Soda• Product Analysis for Gases• Product Analysis for Monomers
• Product Analysis for Petroleum• Product Testing Services• Projects & Consultancies
• Proof Stress Testing• Protective Clothing Materials Testing• Puncture Impact Testing
• Radial & Axial Load Testing• Radiography, X-rays Shots• Refractories Glass & Ceramics Testing
• Reverse Engineering Services

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