Bonded magnet can be either injection molded or compression bonded. The Injection molded magnets can be molded into complex shapes and also molded directly onto components. The Compression bonded materials offer higher magnetic output but are limited to simpler geometries than Injection. The Injection molded magnets can be made from NdFeB, strontium ferrite or a combination of the two. The compression bonded magnets can be made from either NdFeB or SmCo powders. It is confgured into a roller shape and a shaft. It has mechanical strength forming composition comprising magnetic powder and a binder.
Bonded Seals are used where the seals are required to move in and out of the seal bore under pressure. The bonded seal is designed to replace copper type washers in high-pressure systems. These bonded seal comprises a metal washer and an elastomeric ring bonded inside the diameter. Bonded seals are available in self-centralising form, which eliminates seal offset and makes for easier installation. Bonded seals consist of an outer metal ring with a nitrile or EPDM component bonded to the inner face. Bonded seals are metal washers with a rubber insert bonded to the inside diameter for use in high-pressure applications. The bonded seals are constructed with a metal ring that prevents excessive rubber compression and limits the deformation of the elastomeric element.
Bonding meters are self-contained AC resistance meter. It is specifically designed to test very low resistance electrical bonds. It is ideal for aircraft system bonding testing.