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High blast mixers are compact venturi mixers, which use compressed air as the primary source of oxygen and atmospheric air as the secondary source. The air/gas mixture produces a sharp, well-defined, clear blue flame. These mixers have combined with suitable burner nozzles. These mixers are ideal for applications such as ladle heating, die heating, crucible heating, flame heat treating, flame annealing and other spot heating applications. It is designed to accurately mix air and gas in the correct proportions for proper burner operation.
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The high blast torches are compact heating burners that deliver higher capacities than normal heating torches. These are a complete assembly with modified FR burner tip, mixers and valves. It uses small amounts of high pressure air (100-700 kPa) to pick up incoming gas at a modified mixer. The gas pressure is elevated and the resulting mixture of air/gas is delivered to the orifice in the inspirator, where large quantities of air required for combustion are induced. It is used for mould drying, ladle heating, crucible heating, metal melting, and general heating applications.
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High capacity balances are used in aggregate, pharmaceutical, chemical and adhesive formulation applications. It also used for industrial and commercial applications. High capacity balances suitable for use in hostile environments.
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