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Choke Pull Offs (2 suppliers)
Choke Ring Antennas (1 supplier)
Choke Switches (1 supplier)
Choke Thermostats (2 suppliers)
Choke Tube (Extended) (0 suppliers)
Choke Tube (Flush) (0 suppliers)
Choke Valves (22 suppliers)
Choke Valves are valves that lift a solid cylinder up and down which is placed around or inside another cylinder, which has, holes or slots. The design of a choke valve means fluids flowing through the cage are coming from all sides and that the streams of flow collide with each other at the center of the cage cylinder, thereby dissipating the energy of the fluid through flow impingement. The main advantage of choke valves is that they can be designed to be totally linear in their flow rate. Heavy-duty industrial choke valves are used in the oil industry and for highly erosive and corrosive purposes. Choke valves are important for carbureted gasoline engines because small droplets of gasoline do not evaporate well within a cold engine.
Choke Valves (21 suppliers)
Choker Belts (1 supplier)
Choker Fittings (1 supplier)
Choker Hardware Slings (1 supplier)
Choker Hooks (4 suppliers)
Choker Sling (2 suppliers)
Choker Type Wire Mesh Slings (1 supplier)
Chokes (97 suppliers)
Chokes, DC Smoothing (10 suppliers)
Chokes, Power Factor (8 suppliers)
Choking Hooks (1 supplier)
Choosing Clamp Meters (1 supplier)
Chop Flow Pumps (2 suppliers)
Chop Saw Blades (8 suppliers)
Chop Saw Optimization (1 supplier)
Chop Saw Reinforced Cut-off Wheels (1 supplier)
Chop Saw Reinforced Flat Cutting-Off Wheels (2 suppliers)
Chop Saw Wheels (4 suppliers)
Chop Saw With Laser Guides (1 supplier)
Chop Saws (12 suppliers)
Chop Type Single Cut-Off Saws (1 supplier)
Chop-Flow Vertical Chopper Pumps (1 supplier)
Chopped Carbon Fibers (2 suppliers)
Chopped Glass Fibers (1 supplier)
Chopper Blades (6 suppliers)
Chopper Drawbar Adaptor (1 supplier)
Chopper Drums (2 suppliers)
Chopper Fans (1 supplier)
Chopper Pump (9 suppliers)
Chopper Rectifier Power System (1 supplier)
Chopper Stand (1 supplier)
Choppers (16 suppliers)
Chopping Bits (2 suppliers)
Chord Width Gages (1 supplier)
Chrage Air Coolers (1 supplier)
Chris Cutter Machine (3 suppliers)
Christmas Tree Style Gauges (1 supplier)
Chroma Meters (1 supplier)
Chromate Conversion (6 suppliers)
Chromate Conversion Coatings (30 suppliers)
Chromatic Dispersion Test Systems (1 supplier)
Chromatograph Analysis (2 suppliers)
Chromatographic Instruments (14 suppliers)
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