An anemometer is a meteorological instrument used to measure wind speed, temperature and humidity. It also calculates and displays dewpoint and wind chill factor. It is essential for monitoring the environment. It can be divided into two classes: one that measures the velocity of the wind, and another one that measures pressure of the wind.
An anemometer is a device for measuring the velocity or the pressure of the wind, and is one instrument used in a weather station. Anemometer can be divided into two classes: those that measure the velocity of the wind, and those that measure the pressure of the wind, but as there is a close connection between the pressure and the velocity and a suitable anemometer of either class can give information about both these quantities.
Angle Beam Transducers are used for testing of weld integrity. Angle beam transducers are single element transducers used with a wedge to introduce a refracted shear wave or longitudinal wave into a test piece. They are also used to generate surface waves for use in detecting defects on the surface of a component. Angle beam transducers allow inspections in areas of a part that cannot be accessed by the ultrasonic path of a normal incidence contact transducer. A common use for angle beam transducers is in weld inspection, where a weld crown blocks access to the weld zone of interest for a standard contact transducer and where typical flaw alignment produces stronger reflections from an angled beam. Angle beam transducers include mounted transparent angle blocks and are used for weld inspection & flaw detection.