Drilling Fluid Systems have a square channel (approximately 2x2) along the top of one side of the tanks. Metal plate openings are provided so that drilling fluid can bypass compartments. Drilling fluid systems are designed to minimize drilled-solids degradation and reduction of particle size. The bottom of the mousehole is cemented to prevent drilling fluids from leaching into groundwater when the Kelly is in place. Drilling fluid systems are designed to prevent formation damage in almost any geological makeup or well condition. The drilling fluid systems are larger and accommodate all types of drilling fluids.
Drilling Fluids provide many functions in the activities related to drilling wells. Drilling fluids are used for removal of cuttings. These drilling fluids remove drilled cuttings from the wellbore and provide for well control & help enhance drilling efficiency. Drilling fluids are made up of a base fluid, weighting agents and bentonite clay to help remove cuttings from the well and to form a filter cake on the walls of the hole, lignosulfonates & lignites to keep the mud in a fluid state.