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Jacketed Loading Arm Systems (0 suppliers)
Jacketed Loading Arms (3 suppliers)
Jacketed Metal Clad Teck Cable Fittings (1 supplier)
Jacketed Multicore Cables (2 suppliers)
Jacketed Parallel Primary Wires (1 supplier)
Jacketed Pipe Fabrication (21 suppliers)
Jacketed Pipe Systems (7 suppliers)
Jacketed Pipelines Diaphragm Seals (1 supplier)
Jacketed Piping (5 suppliers)
Jacketed Polymer Valves (1 supplier)
Jacketed Pressure Vessels (67 suppliers)
Jacketed Process Equipments (2 suppliers)
Jacketed Pump Cables (2 suppliers)
Jacketed Pumps (10 suppliers)
Jacketed Reactor Vessels (8 suppliers)
Jacketed Reactors (7 suppliers)
Jacketed Sanitary Ball Valves (1 supplier)
Jacketed Split Bearings (1 supplier)
Jacketed Swing Check Valves (1 supplier)
Jacketed Swivel Joints (3 suppliers)
Jacketed swivels are commonly used in applications where relatively high temperatures must be maintained, such as asphalt, sulfur, waxes, and resins. Jacketed swivels feature full steel jackets on the elbow portions only. Conductive heat from the jacketed elbows of the swivel joint provides sufficient heat to the seal area, which is generally field-insulated. For applications considered highly critical, the seal area of the joint can also be jacketed. Standard steam connections are 3/4″ FNPT. Mediums other than steam can also be re-circulated through jacketed swivels to heat or cool products, such as oil, water, and glycol, among others.
Jacketed Swivels (1 supplier)
Jacketed System Integration (1 supplier)
Jacketed Tanks with Heater (1 supplier)
Jacketed Thrust Bearings (1 supplier)
Jacketed Tubing for Pilot Plant Operations (1 supplier)
Jacketed Twin Axial Cables (1 supplier)
Jacketed Vessel Insulation Covers (1 supplier)
Jacketed Vessel with/without Agitator (1 supplier)
Jacketed Vessels (3 suppliers)
Jacketing / Lagging (2 suppliers)
Jacketing Shears (1 supplier)
Jacketless Cables (1 supplier)
Jackets For Heat Tracing (10 suppliers)
Jackhammer Hose Assemblies (1 supplier)
Jackhammers Rental (10 suppliers)
Jacking Beam Systems (3 suppliers)
Jacking Bolt Shower Drains (1 supplier)
Jacking Drainage Pipes (2 suppliers)
Jacking Pipes (3 suppliers)
Jacking Stages (1 supplier)
Jacking Swivel Casters (1 supplier)
Jacking Systems (19 suppliers)
Jacking systems are used to cut casing strings in a safe and controlled manner. A unique safety feature absorbs any shock loading from sudden breakout.
Jacking Tools (11 suppliers)
Jackladder Conveyors (1 supplier)
Jackleg Cabins (2 suppliers)
Jackout Pressure Cell (1 supplier)
Jacks (7 suppliers)
Jacks Maintenance Services (3 suppliers)
Jackscrew Manual Overrides (2 suppliers)
Jackscrew Sets (5 suppliers)
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