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Venturi burner is suitable for high fire kilns and furnaces, or kilns application. It features flame retention within a one-piece design.
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Venturi Flowmeters are made of metal throat material including bronze & stainless steel and have size ranging from 3/4 in. to 120 in. Flow meters feature integral neoprene flange gaskets & stainless steel pressure connections.
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Venturi Meters is an instrument for efficiently measuring fluid flow rate in a piping system. This consists of constricted tube, completely with pressure gauges or monometer. The pattern of flow is smooth thought the unit. The venturi meters are calibrated in a manner identical to orifice meters. Because of the gradual contraction and subsequent reenlargement, the conversion from static pressure to velocity pressure and then back to static pressure is accomplished more effectively. The venturi meter is although more efficient than the orifice meter, still it has a loss of 10-20% of the venturi differential pressure.
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Ventura oxidizer features an innovative venturi-shaped ceramic burner that can safely and economically process streams with hydrocarbon concentrations. They directly inject the fume stream into an exclusive venturi-based ceramic burner. The burner safely eliminates the solvents with minimum destruction. The burner can use natural gas, propane, fuel oil, or a combination of two sources for further fuel savings. The pre-piped, pre-wired oxidizer is shipped in compact modules. The burner is made of temperature resistant ceramic that will not deteriorate due to the extreme temperature changes.
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Venturi recycle tray scrubbers are radically different gas-liquid contact tray. It automatically generates a directed high liquid recycle flow around the tray without the use of a pump. Because of the gas venturi lift action, tray liquid recycle depends only on the gas flow rate, and is entirely independent of the liquid throughput. Sustained tray liquid recycle ratios as high as 50 times tray liquid throughputs can easily be achieved.
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Venturi Scrubber can have a rectangular or circular cross-sectional flow channel. This is installed to remove fine particles from volatile and hazardous or corrosive gas streams, or gas streams containing solid materials that are difficult to handle. In the throat, a bank of nozzles on either side of the throat injects water into the venturi throat. The water forms a curtain that is perpendicular to the airflow direction. The high velocity gas atomizes the liquid injected into the gas stream. It is normally assumed that the fine particles enter into the venturi throat with a velocity equal to that of the gas stream. The area ratio between the inlet and the throat across sections is typically 4:1. This is used to increase liquid atomization and to accelerate the liquid droplets. These have low performance efficiency due to their use of high pressure-fans. They collect coarse or fine particulate, including particulate less than 1 micron and particulate that is sticky or high in moisture. They are used for applications with high dust loadings. They are continuously wetted and therefore not vulnerable to clogging, plugging and scaling. These are used in pharmaceutical manufacturing or laboratory gas scrubbing.
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Venturi tube is a short tube with a constricted throat used to determine fluid pressures and velocities by the measurement of differential pressures generated at the throat as a fluid traverses the tube. It is best suited for liquid, gas and steam measurement. It can be used on slurries and dirty fluids. This differential pressure element actually forces the flow into a smaller diameter section of pipe, and then measures the pressure differences between the unrestricted flow and the restricted flow.
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