Quick change shave tools can be mounted in multiple positions. It is used when machining a close-tolerance shaved part. While running a large automotive part 7/8-inch diameter in 12L14 material, the shop needed to hold a tight ±0.0003-inch of tolerance. It is with the lower height of 2.98 inches. The micro taper adjustments can be made within .0001 inches with taper adjust screw. The center bracket is used for most applications and supports roll pin at both ends. The inboard bracket is used when the part geometry requires the support roll to be close to the spindle. These two roll brackets come standard for inboard and center roll positions and cover the entire range of .000 - .843 adjustments.
Quick change slide is used for rapid mounting at the end of arm tooling assembly and traverse type robots. It is used to save time when changing end of arm assemblies. The two halves are fastened to robot and it takes few minutes to unscrew one knob and slip the assembly off to be replaced by another.
Quick-change tap holders allow for tap change in seconds without hand tools. The system is automatically lubricated and air purged to keep it running in high volume departments.