Self-Erecting Tower Crane is a type of tower crane with tower and boom/jib elements that do not dismantle into component sections. Self-erecting tower cranes can be transported between sites as a complete unit. The erection and dismantling process is a fundamental part of the cranes function. These machines are basically small modular built tower cranes. Erection and dismantling costs are more than that of the self erecting cranes but less than the traditional tower crane and as they can be driven by a radio remote control the operating costs are kept to a minimum.
Self-filling ampoules contain pre-measured chemical reagents within a vacuum. By snapping the ampoule's tip, the sample fills the ampoule automatically. A color forms almost instantaneously. Results can then be quantified by visual comparison or photometrically. These are available for colorimetirc, photometric and titrimetric analysis for a variety of analytes.