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Floating Roof Drain Systems (1 supplier)
Floating Roof Drains (10 suppliers)
Floating Roof Foam Dams (4 suppliers)
Floating Roof Seals (11 suppliers)
Floating Roof Tank Seals (1 supplier)
Floating Roof Tanks (9 suppliers)
Floating roof tanks are used mainly for petroleum products such as crude oil and gasoline. The floating roof design reduces evaporative losses while providing increased fire protection. In a floating-roof tank a movable piston floats on the surface of the liquid and is sealed to the tank walls.
Floating Roofs (11 suppliers)
Floating Router Inserts (1 supplier)
Floating Router Plates (1 supplier)
Floating Router Tables (2 suppliers)
Floating Row Cover (3 suppliers)
Floating Rubber Fender (1 supplier)
Floating screen (0 suppliers)
Floating Scum Skimmers (2 suppliers)
Floating Seal Inspections (1 supplier)
Floating Shafting (1 supplier)
Floating Silt Curtain (1 supplier)
Floating Skimmers (3 suppliers)
Floating Solar Lights (5 suppliers)
Floating Spindle Electric Tools (1 supplier)
Floating Strainers (7 suppliers)
Floating Strobe Water Lights (1 supplier)
Floating Submersible Pump Cages (1 supplier)
Floating Subs (2 suppliers)
Floating Suction Assemblies (3 suppliers)
Floating suction assemblies are designed for use in storage tanks where little or no contamination can be tolerated, such as aircraft jet fuel. Since the fuel near the top of the tank is least likely to contain water or foreign particles, these assemblies float near the top and draw from this near-surface, contamination-free fuel. All swivel joints are permanently sealed with O-rings to prevent the lube grease from contaminating the fuel.
Floating Systems Recruitment Services (1 supplier)
Floating Tables (1 supplier)
Floating Tailwater Pumps (1 supplier)
Floating Tap Collets (1 supplier)
Floating Tethered Mounts (1 supplier)
Floating Thermometer (3 suppliers)
Floating Tool Holders (6 suppliers)
Floating Tool Packs (2 suppliers)
Floating Transmitter (2 suppliers)
Floating Vertical Pumps (2 suppliers)
Floating Wave Attenuator (1 supplier)
Floating Weights (1 supplier)
Floating Weir Oil Skimmer (1 supplier)
Floating Weir Skimmer Systems (1 supplier)
Floating Weir Skimmers (2 suppliers)
Floating Weir Surface/Oil Skimmers (1 supplier)
Floating Well-Proven Oil Skimmers (1 supplier)
Floating, SPDT Actuators (1 supplier)
Floats and Buoys (6 suppliers)
Floats and Buoys are lifted from the water at relatively short intervals for removal of fouling, relocation or inspection of chain. Floats and buoys support cables and other equipment in the water during marine seismic operations.
Flocculant Mixing Systems (2 suppliers)
Flocculants (19 suppliers)
Flocculants, or flocculating agents, are chemicals that are used to promote flocculation by causing colloids and other suspended particles in liquids to aggregate, forming a floc. Flocculants are used in water treatment processes to improve the sedimentation or filterability of small particles. For example, flocculants may be used in swimming pool or drinking water filtration to aid removal of microscopic particles, which would otherwise cause the water to be cloudy, and which would be difficult or impossible to remove by filtration alone. Many flocculants are multivalent cations such as aluminum, iron, calcium or magnesium. These positively charged molecules interact with negatively charged particles and molecules to reduce the barriers to aggregation. In addition, many of these chemicals, under appropriate pH and other conditions, react with water to form insoluble hydroxides which, upon precipitating, link together to form long chains or meshes, physically trapping small particles into the larger floc. Long-chain polymer flocculants, such as modified polyacrylamides, are manufactured and sold by the flocculants producing business.
Flocculate/Precipitate (5 suppliers)
Flocculating Clarifiers (1 supplier)
Flocculation Titrimeters (1 supplier)
Flocculators (8 suppliers)
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