
Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Horizontal Vacuum Belt Filters,Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Hydrocyclones Suppliers & Manufacturers

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Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Horizontal Vacuum Belt Filters
The Tennant Company, Sirvisetti Global Services Pvt. Ltd., Mann and Hummel Filter Pvt. Ltd., more...

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Hydrocyclones
Weir Minerals Lewis Pump, Townley Engineering & Manufacturing Co., Inc., Double Life Corp., more...

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Peeler Centrifuges
Shiv Shakti Process Equipment P. Ltd., Centrifuge Experts International, Tema Systems, Inc

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Plate & Frame Filter Presses
Pacific Press Co., Dehydration & Environmental Systems, Inc., Bell Steels and Industrial Services Ltd., more...

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Pneumatic Conveying Systems Both Dense & Lean Phase
ABM Equipment, Clyde Materials Handling Inc., AirTrim, Inc., more...

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Process Calciners, Kettle, Rotary, Fluid-bed, Flash
Anosh Consultancy Services

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Process Dryers, Vacuum Band, Tunnel,Fluid-bed
Shiv Shakti Process Equipment P. Ltd., The Tennant Company, Shiv Shakti Process Equipment Pvt. Ltd., more...

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Pusher Centrifuges
Centrifuge Experts International, Falgun Engineering Enterprise, Anosh Consultancy Services, more...

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Soya Protein Concentrate Process Plants
Muez-Hest Process Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Anosh Consultancy Services

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Soya Protein Isolate Process Plants
ISO Integration LLC, Muez-Hest Process Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Anosh Consultancy Services

Design, Engineering and Consultancy for Vibroscreens
Sharplex Filters (India) Pvt. Ltd., McNichols Co., Patel Brothers Services and Engineering Private Limited, more...

Design, Engineering, Procurement, Construction for Oil & Gas
McAbee Construction, Inc., Delta Oilfield Tank Co. LLC, Advanced Service Corporation, more...

Design, Engineering, Procurement, Construction of Refineries/Petrochemical Industries
McAbee Construction, Inc., Technology Transfer Services, Nitec International, more...

Design, Manufacture and Maintenance of Thermal Turbomachinery for the Oil & Gas Industry
Aerodyn Engineering, Inc., Turbosystems Engineering Inc, Integrated TurboMachinery Inc., more...

Designing Buildings for Installation of Special Equipment
Smith LaRock Architecture PC, Critical Mechanical Systems, T.A. Finnegan, L.L.C., more...

Detail Cost Estimates
SI International, ExPert E&P Consulting, A. K. Suda, Inc., more...

Detailed Engineering for Power Plants
Technology Transfer Services, Sathya Sai Enterprises, Inc, Stantec, more...

Detailed Engineering in all Disciplines such as Civil, Electrical, Mechanical,Instrumentation
Sathya Sai Enterprises, Inc, Nitec International, Corbett Engineering, LLC, more...

Detailed Engineering of Electrical Switchyard
Sathya Sai Enterprises, Inc, System Controls, Inc., Mid-States Energy Works, Inc., more...

Detailed Engineering of Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation, Civil & Structures
A.R.Merante Corporation, Sathya Sai Enterprises, Inc, Nitec International, more...

Detailed Project Report for Power Plants
Technology Transfer Services, Power Plant Solutions, Butwal Power Company, more...

Detergent Plants
Process Engineering Associates, LLC, Ayton Equipment Limited, D.M.P. Engineering Works, more...

Develop Execution Road Map
Example USA LLC

Digital Control System Configuration and Specification for DCS, SCADA, PLC , RTU
Automatrix Inc., Coritech Services, Inc., Integra Sense, more...

Digital Piping Pulsation Simulation
Patterson Process Equipment Corporation, PipingSolutions, Inc., CreateASoft, Inc., more...

Digitization of Drawings
Digitization of Drawings is a re-drawing of existing paper drawings on a computer in AutoCAD or other CAD software.
Southern Model Builders, Prime Edge, Alignus Design, more...

Dissolved Acetylene Gas Plants
AVS Engineering Co., Oxyplants India Private Ltd., Universal Boschi, more...

DNS Nozzle Mix Burners
Selas Heat Technology Co. LLC

Document Conversion Services
Peelle Technologies, Archive Systems, Inc., Digital Storage Solutions, Inc., more...

Document Distribution
Cambridge Export Documents Ltd.

Document Outsourcing & Communication Services
HTC Global Services, Xi Software Systems, Inc., Data Preparation International, more...

Document Processing
Archive Systems, Inc., EMC Document Technologies, LLC, Mail-Tech, more...

Document Scanning and Imaging Outsourcing Services
Record Nations, V T L Global Inc., ARK Technologies, more...

Document Scanning and Imaging Solutions
ARK Technologies, Connections, Metro Reprographics, more...

Document Scanning Services
Peelle Technologies, Record Nations, DataBank, more...

Document Storage
Sanmina - SCI Corporation, Church & Stagg, Electric Machine Control, Inc., more...

Dripless Ink Dispensing Pumps
Amergraph Corp.

Dual Fuel Burners
Dual-fuel burners are of fan-assisted or forced-draught type and incorporate the features of both natural gas & oil burners necessary for the safe and efficient combustion of either fuel. The burner mechanisms and their control are able to achieve the correct fuel/air ratios for firing with either fuel and at any firing rate that the burner is capable of. Dual fuel burners are configured with an oil nozzle down the center of and concentric with the gas nozzle. These burners are designed to operate typically on either gaseous or liquid fuels. They are used for economic reasons, where the customer need to switch between a gaseous fuel like natural gas and a liquid fuel like oil. These burners operate on one fuel or the other and sometimes on the fuels simultaneously. Dual-fuel burners efficiently fire gas or any grade of light or heavy oil with quick changeover.
H E D International, Inc., Hamworthy Combustion Engineering Ltd., Weishaupt (U.K.) Ltd., more...

Duplication Services
PacificDisc, CDMaker, Newleaf Design, more...

Dynamic and Static Stress Calculation
Beta Machinery Analysis, Stresscraft Ltd

Dynamic Skid Study
Beta Machinery Analysis

Dynamic Skid Vibration and Stress Analysis
Mechanical 3D Modelling, Beta Machinery Analysis

E-Business consulting and Outsourcing
Emerald Business Services, Adapt360, Fujitsu America, Inc., more...

e-Business Software Design, Development and Implementation
Adapt360, TransZap, Inc., V T L Global Inc., more...

Edible Oil Plants
Process Engineering Associates, LLC, De Smet Process & Technology, Inc., Ayton Equipment Limited, more...

Elastic-Plastic (J Integral) Fracture Mechanics
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics is a method for predicting failure of a structure containing a crack. J-integral and crack-tip opening displacement are the most viable fracture parameters for characterizing crack initiation, stable crack growth, and subsequent instability in elastic-plastic materials. It applies to materials that exhibit time-independent, nonlinear behavior (i.e. plastic deformation).
O'Donnell Consulting Engineers

Electrometallurgical Ferroalloy Products
Superior Graphite, Crisp Control, Inc., Tirthankar Steel & Alloys India Pvt. Ltd.

Electronic Tracking and Surveillances
Manchester Surveillance, Professional Solutions, Jash Technical Services Company Limited, more...

Elevated Temperature Design
O'Donnell Consulting Engineers, Triten Alloy Products Group

Employment Screening
Secure Check Screening & Investigation Services, Inc., Top-Rated Investigations, Inc., Mechanical Contracting Services, Inc., more...

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