Shaft riding fiber brushes are used for shaft grounding of all types of stray electrical shaft currents. The brushes can also be used for instrument signal transmission and generator or electric motor on-line diagnostic work. These brushes are self cleaning, can run dry, partially, or completely submerged in oil.
Shaft seals are located in the end shields. They seal the hydrogen in the machine where the rotor shaft emerges from the casing and shields. The main types of shaft seal are thrust and journal seals. The seal ring acts as a thrust face acting on a shaft collar in thrust type seals. The most simple shaft seal consists of a rubber plug through which a rod passes in the vacuum sealing. Shaft seals are used for a variety of purposes, such as for sealing in corrosive fumes, high-temperature air and abrasive material. Gasket shaft seals are simple and used on very high-pressure applications.
Shaft Straightening is performed over multiple rotational cycles. Shaft straightening are done mechanically without applying heat. Shaft straightening device is used to straighten rods up to 45mm diameter within the shortest span of time.