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Wet Abrasive Cut-off Machines (3 suppliers)
Wet Abrasive Cut-Off Saws (1 supplier)
Wet Abrasive Cutting Saws (1 supplier)
Wet Abrasive Mitering Saws (1 supplier)
Wet Abrasive Papers (1 supplier)
Wet Agglomeration Services (1 supplier)
Wet Agglomeration Systems (1 supplier)
Wet Air Grinder (1 supplier)
Wet Air Oxidation Plants For Sulfide Waste (1 supplier)
Wet Ammonia Scrubbers (0 suppliers)
Wet and Damp Location Fixtures (1 supplier)
Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometer (1 supplier)
Wet Applied Protective Coatings (2 suppliers)
Wet Ash Systems (1 supplier)
Wet Asphalt Blades (3 suppliers)
Wet Automatic Fire Sprinklers (4 suppliers)
Wet Back Firetube Boilers (21 suppliers)
Wet back fire tube boiler design has a water cooled turn around chamber, which is used to direct the flue gases from the furnace to the tube banks. It requires less refractory maintenance. However, internal pressure maintenance, such as, cleaning is more difficult. In addition, the wet back design is more prone to water side sludge buildup, because of the restricted flow areas near to the turn around chamber. This boiler is a cylindrical vessel, with the flame in the furnace and the combustion gases inside the tubes. The furnace and tubes are with in a vessel, which contains the water and steam. It ranges from 15 to 1500 horse power. These boilers are designed for 500 HP at maximum allowable working pressure of 150 psi.
Wet Barrel Design Sampling Station (1 supplier)
Wet Barrel Fire Hydrants (1 supplier)
Wet Basement Repairs (4 suppliers)
Wet Basement Waterproofing (20 suppliers)
Wet Basement Waterproofing Contractors (19 suppliers)
Wet Bath Furnaces (1 supplier)
Wet Belt Sanders (1 supplier)
Wet belt sander is an edge-grinding tool. It consists of a motor that drives a belt and a glass is held in which the edge comes into contact with the belt. It starts with a belt with coarse grit and finish with a belt with finer grit. It features unobstructed access to sanding work area, quick-change belt system, adjustable backup plate and upright bearing support.
Wet Bench Controllers (1 supplier)
Wet Blast Cabinets (6 suppliers)
Wet Blast Equipment (4 suppliers)
Wet Bond Laminating (1 supplier)
Wet Bond Laminators (1 supplier)
Wet Bore Rigs (1 supplier)
Wet Brakes (1 supplier)
Wet Bulb Transmitters (1 supplier)
Wet Cake Discharge Leaf Filters (1 supplier)
Wet Cake Discharge Pressure Leaf Filters (1 supplier)
Wet Cast Flared End Form Equipment (1 supplier)
Wet Ceiling Drying (1 supplier)
Wet Cell Batteries (45 suppliers)
A wet cell is a galvanic electrochemical cell with a liquid electrolyte. Wet cells are a precursor to dry cells and are commonly used as a learning tool for electrochemistry. It is often built with common laboratory supplies, like beakers, for demonstrations of how electrochemical cells work. A particular type of wet cell known as a concentration cell is important in understanding corrosion. Car batteries are wet cells and give a good example of the pros and cons of such systems. The most famous wet cell is the Daniel cell, which is sometimes referred to as a crowfoot or gravity cell. In the Daniel cell, copper and zinc electrodes are immersed in a solution of copper (II) sulfate and zinc sulfate respectively.
Wet Cell Batteries, Flooded (14 suppliers)
Wet Chemical Cleaning (3 suppliers)
Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers (12 suppliers)
Wet Chemical Fire Suppression Systems (3 suppliers)
Wet Chemical Portable Extinguishers (1 supplier)
Wet Chemical Systems (2 suppliers)
Wet Chemistry Test Kits (1 supplier)
Wet Cleaning Kit (2 suppliers)
Wet Cleaning Systems (2 suppliers)
Wet Clutches (1 supplier)
Wet Combination Clutch/Brakes (1 supplier)
Wet Concentrating Tables (1 supplier)
Wet Connector (2 suppliers)
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